
This tool has been designed to help you project your current finances and determine where you will be at the end of a specified time period.

In order to do this a number of user inputs are required. Namely, current savings and debt, regular income and outgoings, and, a start and end date.

For example, a user wants to understand what the impact on their savings will be over a 3 year period if they reduce their TV and Internet Bill by 23/month.

  • The user populates the form with the following data:
    1. Personal Data, selecting the goal to 'Increase Savings'
    2. Current Assets and Liabilities (i.e. account balances)
    3. Income(s) with frequency (e.g. monthly)
    4. Outgoing(s) with frequency (e.g. weekly) - including the TV and Internet bill at the current price
    5. Submits the data and is presented with a visual representation of their net worth over time

  • To then determine the impact of this change in outgoings, the user then does the following:
    1. Clicks the 'Previous' button until they reach the 'Regular Outgoing(s)' tabs
    2. Updates the 'TV and Internet' bill to the new price
    3. Submits the data again and is now presented with their net worth over time
    4. Comparing the outputted values to those outputted at Step 5 gives the impact of reducing this bill

To get started please click next and input the requested data. Should you require additional input fields, you can add and remove as necessary on the relevant input pages.

Personal Details

Please input your contact details, and, select a start and end date for the forecasting period.


Please enter all of your opening balances (e.g. for accounts, loans, credit cards, etc.) that you are including as part of the forecasting. Please ensure they align with the start date you have selected.

Regular Income

Please enter any regular income transactions you have, inputting the actual (or estimated) amount and how often each takes place.

Please note: all one-off transactions will take place 14 days after the start date. All recurring transactions will take place as per the frequency selected - the start date will act as time zero.

Regular Outgoing(s)

Please enter any regular outgoing transactions you have, inputting the actual (or estimated) amount and how often each takes place.

Please note: all one-off transactions will take place 14 days after the start date. All recurring transactions will take place as per the frequency selected - the start date will act as time zero.

Your Net Worth